AnalyticVue Enhances Learning and Teaching at Narragansett Regional School District

Case Studies


  • Need to access several databases to pull and combine data in order to create reports
  • More time and effort spent on getting data rather than using it
  • Inability to share the right level of data with various users


  • A s comprehensive set of dashboards and reports on a single platform
  • Actionable data immediately available on one intuitive platform
  • Providing guidance and access so that teachers can leverage AnalyticVue platform
  • ongoing support., from day-to-day troubleshooting and configurations as needed
  • We’ve been partnering with AnalyticVue to help support the rollout of a data analytic platform and to increase data analysis processes and protocols with our administrative team and teachers across our system.
  • Now teachers and administrators can go to one place for all of their student data needs. What we are doing here in Narragansett is game changing for people who want to make a real impact with students.
  • Having a platform that gives us immediate access to a variety of data sets has really enabled us to change the way we do data here in our district. An example of that is that instead of spending meetings trying to log in, get people accessible, figure out which reports to pull. Now we can really dive in, analyze data, identify strengths and needs, and put action plans in place to support students.


  • Improved visibility into students’ performance
  • Comprehensive data platform that meets the needs of the teachers and administrative teams
  • Unified K12 data infrastructure
  • Ongoing support
  • Multiple dashboards and reports, many configured specifically for NRSD’s unique needs.
  • Single source for all data needs
  • The right level of data access for all staff
  • Lots of time saved on logging onto a single platform rather than accessing a few and downloading necessary reports from each
  • We have been trying to bring a sustainable analytic and data warehousing platform to the district for several years now, and with the help of AnalyticVue, we have made that possible.
  • One of the reasons that we chose AnalyticVue was for its ability to be customized and really designed to support the needs of our district. As we’ve gone through the rollout process, we’ve received a lot of ongoing feedback from our administrators and our teachers to ensure that the reports are usable and the information they need is accessible to all staff. The folks from AnalyticVue have been incredibly supportive of us as we engage in weekly meetings with them to update, adjust, change, or modify any of the reports or information that’s included in the platform. As a result, we’ve built a very comprehensive platform that really meets the needs of our teachers and our administrative team.
“AnalyticVue helped the Narragansett Regional School District roll out a sustainable analytical data platform and improve data analysis processes. District authorities compared solutions from a few providers and selected AnalyticVue because of its flexibility and customization options.”

Jared J. Perrine, M.Ed., MA CTO Certification
– Director of Technology
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